Go to Top <a> anchor HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

An anchor marks the beginning and/or end of a hypertext link. It is used to link to other pages or sites, other sections within the same webpage or any other file, such as a sound file, zip archive, etc.

Go to Top <abbr> abbreviation Nav 4

Netscape Navigator 4 upwards only. A logical style used to highlight an abbreviation.

example of code

Navigator 4 and <ABBR>MSIE4</ABBR> are the latest browsers from the big boys.

how it renders

Navigator 4 and MSIE4 are the latest browsers from the big boys.

Go to Top <acronym> Nav 4 IE4

Netscape Navigator 4 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 upwards only. A logical style used to highlight an acronym.

example of code

Bond was forced to pit his wits against the vicious <ACRONYM>S.M.E.R.S.H.</ACRONYM> agent.

how it renders

Bond was forced to pit his wits against the vicious S.M.E.R.S.H. agent.

Go to Top <address> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

A logical style used when providing address information. A paragraph break will be inserted before and after the element.

example of code

University of Bath<BR>
Claverton Down<BR>

how it renders

University of Bath
Claverton Down

Go to Top <applet ...> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

Used to embed a Java external link applet. Unfortunately Java is beyond the scope of this Guide.

Go to Top <area> image map area HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE2

Used in an image map definition to specify a live area. Must be used within the <MAP> tags. An arbitrary number of <AREA> tags may be specified. If two areas intersect, the one which appears first in the map definition takes precedence in the overlapping region. For more information see the detailed section on Image maps.

For a detailed example of the <AREA> element in action, see the detailed section on Image maps.

Go to Top <b> bold HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

A physical style for displaying text in a bold font. See also <STRONG>.

example of code

Cars are <B>not</B> toys. They are 1 ton killing machines.

how it renders

Cars are not toys. They are 1 ton killing machines.

Go to Top <base> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Provides a base URL or target window for the document. Should be placed within the <HEAD></HEAD>. of your document.

example of code

<BASE HREF="" TARGET="contents">

Go to Top <basefont> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE2

Netscape Navigator 3 and Microsoft Explorer 3 upwards only. Used to set a default font size, colour and/or font face. Can be overridden by the <FONT> element. [The example below may not appear to work correctly if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x. This is due to a software bug in the implementation of style sheets.]

Example of code

<FONT SIZE="+1">Tottenham Hotspur</FONT>
<BASEFONT FACE="Lucida Sans,Arial" SIZE=4>
<FONT SIZE="+1">Chelsea</FONT>

How it renders

Tottenham Hotspur Chelsea

<bgsound> background sound IE2

Supported by MS Internet Explorer and NCSA Mosaic, this element will automatically play a sound file on entering a document. For a more widely supported (but messier) method, see Tricks n' Tips. To play background sound with Netscape Navigator 3, you must use the <EMBED> element.

Example of code

<BGSOUND SRC="sounds/blakmeat.wav" LOOP="2">

How it renders

see/hear example

<big> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

A physical style for displaying text in a bigger font. Currently only supported by Netscape Navigator 3 and MS Internet Explorer 3 upwards. With these browsers, the <BIG> can be used around the <SUP> and <SUB> tags to keep the sub/superscripted text at the same size as the default, as opposed to slightly smaller. See also <FONT>.

Example of code

What you really need is a <BIG>triple fried egg chilli chutney</BIG> sandwich.

How it renders

What you really need is a triple fried egg chilli chutney sandwich.

<blink> Nav 2

Flashes text on and off. Netscape browsers only. Use sparingly.

Example of code

Blinking flip: <BLINK>flip</BLINK>

How it renders

Blinking flip: flip

<blockquote> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Allows text quoted from another source to be rendered specially. Usually left and right indented. See also <CITE>.

Example of code

The best bit was when Hamlet said,
To be, or not to be.<BR>
That is the question.<BR>
But then everyone knows that.

How it renders

The best bit was when Hamlet said,
To be, or not to be.
That is the question.
But then everyone knows that.

<body> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

The <body> element contains all the information which is part of the document, as opposed to information about the document, which should be in the <HEAD>. The <body> tag should be placed directly after the closing head tag, </head>. The closing body tag, </body> should be placed as the penultimate line of the document, directly before the </HTML> tag.

Example of code

<TITLE>A Shell Document</TITLE>
The document in here

<br> break HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Forces a line break - similar to a hard return on a word processor.

Example of code

<IMG SRC="graphics/cliff.gif" ALIGN="right" HEIGHT=53 WIDTH=50 ALT="Cliff">
This text is on one line.<BR CLEAR="all">
This text is on the line below the graphic.

How it renders

Cliff This text is on one line.
This text is on the line below the graphic.

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