Go to Top <layer> Nav 4

Netscape Navigator 4 on Windows 95 or NT only. The <LAYER> tag allows you to create multiple layers of Web content that all sort of hang on your page at the same time. Using x, y, and z coordinates, someone can determine the exact positioning of items (text, images, movies, etc.) on a Web page, both in relation to the <LAYER> they reside and in relation to other layers. This has now been superceded with the advent of cascading style sheets as a standard, although Netscape Navigator 4 does not yet support the positioning part of the standard.

I have not addressed Netscape layers in Jalfrezi due to their limited support and the introduction of style sheets as a standardexternal link. For more information on layers, see the relevant sections in NetscapeWorldexternal link and Netscape's Developer Libraryexternal link.

Go to Top <li> list item HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to insert a bullet or item number into a list. For more information, see the detailed section on Lists.

Go to Top <link> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE3

This element indicates a relationship between the document and some other object. A document may have any number of <LINK> elements. Typical uses are to indicate authorship, related indexes and glossaries, older or more recent versions, etc. Until recently this tag was rarely used, but nowadays its main function is to link to a style sheet for the page - the last example shows how to do this.

<LINK REL="author" HREF="">
<LINK REL="previous" HREF="">
<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="stylesheet2.css" TYPE="text/css">

Go to Top <listing> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE2

Similar to <PRE> and <XMP>. Used to render blocks of text in a fixed-width font and so is suitable for text that has been formatted on screen. It is normally rendered so that a limit of 132 characters will fit on a line.

FOR x=1 TO 10
PRINT "The square of ";x;" is ";x^2

FOR x=1 TO 10 PRINT "The square of ";x;" is ";x^2 NEXT x

Go to Top <map> image map definition

Used to create a client-side image map definition. Must be used with the NAME attribute and <AREA> tag. For more information, see the detailed section on Image maps.

<MAP NAME="definition1">
<AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="94,3,227,30" HREF="">

Go to Top <marquee> IE2

MS Internet Explorer 3 upwards only. Used to create a scrolling text effect, similar to the Marquee Windows screen saver. Marquees can also be written using JavaScript external link. Alternatively you can use animated GIFs to create a similar effect, using software such as the GIF Construction Set. Marquees are defined in a similar manner to the <IMG> tag as well as some of its own specific ones. To apply the <FONT> element to text within a marquee, you must place the <FONT> tags outside of the <MARQUEE> tags.

Wham! <MARQUEE ALIGN="middle" WIDTH="50%" BEHAVIOR="alternate">Club Tropicana drinks are free</MARQUEE> Fantastic!<BR>

Fantastic! <FONT SIZE=+1><MARQUEE ALIGN="middle" WIDTH="50%" BEHAVIOUR="scroll" DIRECTION="right" LOOP="6" BGCOLOR="white">Fun and sunshine there's enough for everyone</MARQUEE></FONT> Wham!<BR>

Wham! <MARQUEE ALIGN="middle" WIDTH="50%" SCROLLAMOUNT=10 SCROLLDELAY=300>Fun and sunshine there's enough for everyone</MARQUEE> Fantastic!

Wham! Club Tropicana drinks are free Fantastic!
Fantastic! Fun and sunshine there's enough for everyone Wham!
Wham! Fun and sunshine there's enough for everyone Fantastic!

Go to Top <menu> menu list HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to create a menu list. For more information, see the detailed section on Lists.

Go to Top <meta> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

This tag is used to embed document information not defined by other elements. Such information can be extracted by servers or browsers for use in identifying, indexing and cataloging specialised document meta-information. You can use either HTTP-EQUIV or NAME to name the meta-information, but CONTENT must be used in both cases. The <META> command must be placed in the <HEAD> tags. for more information see A Dictionary of HTML META Tagsexternal link. No server or browser understands every META tag, but some of the more popular uses include:

Forcing an HTML page to automatically jump to another page or file after a specified time delay.
Supply search engines with a description and keywords.
Specify how your page should be cached.
Quote content rating for the PICS system operated by RSACexternal link.
Indicate the program used to generate the document.
State the name of the author.
Describe the MIME content type.

Go to Top <multicol> multiple columns Nav 2

Netscape Navigator 2 upwards. Used to display text in newspaper-style columns. This is a new tag and alternative methods suitable for other browsers are described in Tips 'n Tricks.

The Crate Application and Research Project was set up to promote crates in today's society. Modern attitudes to the crate have become somewhat jilted, especially since the sexual revolution of The Sixties. The Great British Red Crate used to be held in huge esteem by men and women from all classes. For instance, in the mid-Forties in Cheshunt, Hampshire, a crate was voted into the Office of Mayor for nearly three years running until meeting which a tragic accident involving a blowtorch. In 1951 the people of Bradninch, Devon, saw the first crate to be made a head schoolteacher.

The Crate Application and Research Project was set up to promote crates in today's society. Modern attitudes to the crate have become somewhat jilted, especially since the sexual revolution of The Sixties. The Great British Red Crate used to be held in huge esteem by men and women from all classes. For instance, in the mid-Forties in Cheshunt, Hampshire, a crate was voted into the Office of Mayor for nearly three years running until meeting which a tragic accident involving a blowtorch. In 1951 the people of Bradninch, Devon, saw the first crate to be made a head schoolteacher.

Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi
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