Go to Top <nobr> no break Nav 2 IE2

This element prevents a line of text from wrapping around within the browser window. If a line of text within the tags is too long to fit in the window, a horizontal scroll should appear on the browser to allow the user to view the whole line. Use <WBR> to insert a soft line break as required.

Example of code

Do you remember when dog leads came out? Oooh! The excitement! In the old days before dog leads you used to take your dog for a walk and you'd never see it again. Oh, we used to get through thirty or forty dogs a year!

How it renders

Do you remember when dog leads came out? Oooh! The excitement! In the old days before dog leads you used to take your dog for a walk and you'd never see it again. Oh, we used to get through thirty or forty dogs a year!

Go to Top <noembedNOEMBED> Nav 2

Element included to provide content for browsers which do not support the <EMBED> element.

Go to Top <noframes> HTML 4.0 Nav 2 IE3

Element included in a frame definition document to provide content for browsers unable to handle frames. For more information see the detailed section on Frames.

Go to Top <nolayer> Nav 4

Element included to provide content for browsers which do not support layers. I have not addressed Netscape layers in Jalfrezi due to their limited support and the introduction of style sheets as a standardexternal link. For more information on layers, see the relevant sections in NetscapeWorldexternal link and Netscape's Developer Libraryexternal link.

Go to Top <noscript> HTML 4.0 Nav 3 IE3

Element included to provide content for browsers unable to run JavaScript or Visual Basic scripts.

Go to Top <object> Nav 4 IE3

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 and Netscape Navigator 4 upwards only. Essentially this is similar to the <EMBED> tag as it is used to insert nonstandard applications such as ActiveX controls and plug-ins. It is currently the focus of the HTML working groups Compound Document draft specification (See W3C)- more information will follow when/if the tag is better defined and more universally accepted.

Go to Top <ol> ordered list HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to insert an ordered (numbered) list. For more information see the detailed section on Lists.

Go to Top <option> form list item HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to insert a form list item. For more information see the detailed section on Forms.

Go to Top <p> paragraph HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to indicate a new paragraph. Most browsers insert a blank line before the new paragraph.

Example of code

Isn't it annoying though, when you're coming through customs and the customs officers are going through your dirty underwear. Going through your dirty underwear, your old socks.
<p align="center">
And after ten minutes they say, 'Alright then, I'll give you a pound for the lot.'

How it renders

Isn't it annoying though, when you're coming through customs and the customs officers are going through your dirty underwear. Going through your dirty underwear, your old socks.

And after ten minutes they say, 'Alright then, I'll give you a pound for the lot.'

Go to Top <pre> pre-formatted text HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

The most useful application of this element is for displaying extracts of programming code as the text is rendered as a fixed-width font and the <BR> tag is not necessary to cause a line-break. It is sometimes used to display text in a tabular or column format, as all spaces typed in the HTML code are displayed by the browser. Combined with the fixed-width font, this facilitates the alignment of text. Similar to <LISTING>.

Its best not to use <PRE> for formatting a few words at a time. Instead use <CODE> or <TT> as an alternative. The example shows how tabs can be combined with <PRE> to lay out text.

Example of code

x x^2 x^3 x^4
1 1 1 1
2 4 8 16
3 9 27 81
4 16 64 256
5 25 125 625
6 36 216 1296

How it renders

x	x^2	x^3	x^4
1	1	1	1
2	4	8	16
3	9	27	81
4	16	64	256
5	25	125	625
6	36	216	1296

Go to Top <q> quote HTML 4.0 IE4

Not currently supported by Netscape browsers. A logical style used to indicate a short quotation, such as the URL of the source document or a message.

Example of code

URL of this page: <Q></Q>

How it renders

URL of this page:

Go to Top <s> strike HTML 3.2 Nav 3 IE2

A logical style used to put a horizontal line through text - as in 'red lining'. This is identical to the <STRIKE> element.

Example of code

I like driving in my car. It's not quite a <STRIKE>Saab</STRIKE> Jaguar.

How it renders

I like driving in my car. It's not quite a Saab Jaguar.

Go to Top <samp> sample text HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to show text which is stated literally. Often displays in a fixed-width font.

Example of code

When in DOS, why is it you often get a <SAMP>bad file name</SAMP> message but never an <SAMP>excellent file name</SAMP> message?

How it renders

When in DOS, why is it you often get a bad file name message but never an excellent file name message?

Go to Top <script> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

Used to contain an in-line script so that browsers to not display the code. HTML 4.0 requires the TYPE attribute for SCRIPT in order to specify the scripting language as a content type. For example, use TYPE="text/javascript" for JavaScript. The LANGUAGE attribute is optional and does not really serve any purpose other than information. Note the comment tags around the example script, to make sure all browsers hide the code.

Example of code

<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!--//hide script from old browsers
document.write( "<br>Last updated "+ document.lastModified );
//end hiding contents -->

Go to Top <select> form list box HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to insert a form list box. For more information see the detailed section on Forms.

Go to Top <small> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

A physical style for displaying text in a relatively smaller font size. Currently only supported by Netscape Navigator 3 and MS Internet Explorer 3 upwards. See also <FONT>.

Example of code

What you really need is a <SMALL>triple fried egg chilli chutney</SMALL> sandwich.

How it renders

What you really need is a triple fried egg chilli chutney sandwich.

Go to Top <sound>

Only supported by NCSA Mosaic, this element plays in-line sound. The sound file can be placed anywhere in the document and it will be played when its position is visible in the document window.

Example of code

<SOUND SRC="sounds/blakmeat.wav" DELAY=2 LOOP=3>

see/hear example

Go to Top <spacer> Nav 3

Only supported by Netscape Navigator 3 upwards, this element inserts blank space on the web page. You can specify horizontal space between words, vertical space between lines or a rectangular area of blank space.

Go to Top <span> HTML 4.0 Nav 4 IE4

The SPAN element is used to apply a style to text which doesn't play any structural role, or where use of standard HTML elements is not desirable. For example, it may be useful for text to be highlighted by rendering it with a different background colour. For text such as this, using a standard HTML element such as <EM> with an applied style, would possibly be inappropriate, because browsers that don't support style sheets would render the text as italicised. The <SPAN> element is recommended in such situations as other browsers simply ignore it.

For more information and examples, see the detailed section on Style Sheets.

Go to Top <strike> HTML 3.2 Nav 3 IE2

A logical style used to put a horizontal line through text - as in 'red lining'. This is identical to the <S> element.

Example of code

I like driving in my car. It's not quite a <STRIKE>Saab</STRIKE> Jaguar.

How it renders

I like driving in my car. It's not quite a Saab Jaguar.

Go to Top <strong> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

A logical style used to give strong emphasis to a section of text. Usually rendered in bold. See also: <EM>.

Example of code

no entry without protection. </pre>

How it renders

Warning: no entry without protection.

Go to Top <style> style sheet HTML 4.0 Nav 4 IE3

Used to specifiy the style sheet for a page. For more information see the detailed section on Style Sheets.

Go to Top <sub> subscript HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

A physical style for displaying subscripted text.

Example of code

Sulphuric acid, H<SUB>2</SUB>S0<SUB>4</SUB>.

How it renders

Sulphuric acid, H2S04.

Go to Top <sup> superscript HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

A physical style for displaying superscripted text.

Example of code

Equation of a circle: r<SUP>2</SUP> = x<SUP>2</SUP> + y<SUP>2</SUP>.

How it renders

Equation of a circle: r2 = x2 + y2.

Go to Top <table> HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

Used to insert a table. For more information see the detailed section on Tables.

Go to Top <td> table data HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

Used to insert a table data cell. For more information see the detailed section on Tables.

Go to Top <textarea> form input box HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to insert a form input box. For more information see the detailed section on Forms.

Go to Top <th> table heading HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

Used to insert a table heading cell. For more information see the detailed section on Tables.

Go to Top <title> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

The title element should contain a complete one line summary of the document, ie. "Introduction" is not sufficient, but "Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi: Introduction" would suffice. The title of a loaded document appears at the top of a Netscape window. When coding, the title should be placed within the <HEAD> tags. A shell document would therefore follow the following format:

Example of code

<TITLE>Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi: A Shell Document</TITLE>
The document in here

Go to Top <tr> table row HTML 3.2 Nav 2 IE3

Used to insert a table row. For more information see the detailed section on Tables.

Go to Top <tt> typewriter text HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

A physical style for displaying text in a fixed-width font. See also <CODE> and <PRE>.

Example of code

Courier is an example of a <TT>fixed-width font</TT>.

How it renders

Courier is an example of a fixed-width font.

Go to Top <u> underline HTML 3.2 Nav 3 IE2

A physical style for displaying text underlined. Supported by Netscape Navigator 3.x and MS Internet Explorer 3.x upwards.

Example of code

Ooh, suits <U>you</U>, sir.

How it renders

Ooh, suits you sir.

Go to Top <ul> unordered list HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE2

Used to insert an unordered (bullet) list. For more information see the detailed section on Lists.

Go to Top <var> variable HTML 2.0 Nav 3 IE3

A physical style for displaying variable, usually as a small fixed-width font or in italic.

Example of code

When coding, <VAR>LeftIndent()</VAR> must be a variable.

How it renders

When coding, LeftIndent() must be a variable.

Go to Top <wbr> word break Nav 2 IE2

Inserts a soft line break in a block of <NOBR> text.

Example of code

Do you remember when dog leads came out? Oooh! The excitement! In the old days before dog leads you used to take your dog for a walk and you'd never see it again.<WBR> Oh, we used to get through thirty or forty dogs a year!

How it renders

Do you remember when dog leads came out? Oooh! The excitement! In the old days before dog leads you used to take your dog for a walk and you'd never see it again. Oh, we used to get through thirty or forty dogs a year!

Go to Top <xmp> HTML 2.0 Nav 2 IE3

Used to render blocks of code in a fixed-width font. Any HTML tags within the <XMP> element are not interpreted at all but passed through literally to the viewer. It should be rendered so that a limit of 80 characters will fit on a line. This element is now obsolete in HTML 4.0.

Example of code

I like worms. <I>Wiggly, <B>wiggly</B></I> worms.

How it renders

I like worms. <I>Wiggly, <B>wiggly</B></I> worms.

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