Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi

Recent Developments at Jalfrezi


+ Updated software toolbox

Great new graphics software, Xara Webstyle and Xara3D added to the software toolbox.


+ XMP updated

The <XMP> tag has been updated to show its proper use. Go see. Also been a few other general corrections and tidy ups, including update to mirror list.


+ New site promotion & earning money section

A brand new section devoted to methods of marketing your site and of ways you can earn money from your pages, both as a website and as an online business selling goods over the Internet. Go see.


+ New links and recommendation service

New links have been added to the General Resources section of the Links page and the hexidecimal conversion page. Readers can now recommend Jalfrezi to their friends by simply filling in the following form:

Your Friend:

+ Speeded up front end

We've made extensive use of style sheets to speed up the rendering of the front page. Doesn't look quite so good with non-style sheet browsers, but that's the price of technology.

Early Jan99

+ Brand new style sheets section

A brand spanking new, massively extended style section. Now includes an introduction to style sheets; adding styles to your pages; CSS properties; CSS positioning - visit our recommended site; CSS units; HTML Element types; Browser capatability charts; Frequently asked questions; and Links to other references.


+ Updated links, new software, validated pages

All Jalfrezi's external links have been re-verified using LinkChecker - a great piece of freeware reviewed in the Software Toolbox. The job of re-validating pages to HTML 4.0 has also begun in earnest using CSE HTML Validator, also in the Software Toolbox. All new pages will be validated. A small bug in the style sheets now been that the pages now work with the new Opera 3.5 browser which, you guessed it, is also in the Software Toolbox.


+ Jalfrezi is awarded Snap Editors Choice

[Snap Editor's Choice] Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi has been awarded the Snap Editors' Choice designation "in recognition of its excellence in design, content and editorial presentation". Snap's site reviews are editorially independent of partnerships, marketing relationships or competitive status; their goal is to point users to outstanding Web resources. Snap's had this to say about Jalfrezi:

"Spice up your Web pages with Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi's hot tips. The HTML command descriptions are clear and complete and include a bit of example code for each topic covered."

+ Dynamic HTML!

Its here at last! Check out the brand new dynamic HTML section and learn image rollovers, collapsible outlines and more.


+ New tip of the day, cool FREE forms link and splendid new sponsors

The new tip of the day explains how to uses the <DIV> tag to dynamically change styles.

New forms link: I've recently come across who will let you use their scripts and their server, so you can add cgi based fill-out forms to your website for FREE.

Cool new sponsors:


+ New link for !DOCTYPE

We've had a lot of questions about the !DOCTYPE SGML specifier. We've recently found an excellent resource to answer your questions in detail.


+ Improved details for adding graphics to tables

I have added more detail in the tables section, specifically highlighting the differences between Netscape and Microsoft browsers when it comes to displaying graphics as table backgrounds.

up to 9Sept98

+ Various minor changes

Various minor changes to Jalfrezi over the last few months, but mostly typos and grammatical improvements.


+ Non-frame bug corrected

The redirecting bug affecting non-frame browsers has now been corrected. Sorry for any inconvenience.


+ New UK mirror and a mailing list for updates

Those nice people at Bath Universityexternal link (my old uni) have put up a mirror for Jalfrezi. I've also begun a mailing list for those of you interested in keeping up to date with Jalfrezi's evolution. Enter your email address for monthly Jalfrezi updates:


+ Romanian mirror, general housekeeping

Jalfrezi's popularity is still spreading - we now have a mirror in Romania. Also this week: general housekeeping, including making sure Jalfrezi looks good with my current favourite browser, Opera. Also added a new Tip of the Day for displaying images as list bullets..


+ is go!

That's right, thanks to our fine friends at WCCLAexternal link, who host one of Jalfrezi's US mirrors, is now a fully functioning top level domain. Also added a new Tip of the Day.


+ Mailto links, cosmetic changes

You can now specify body, carbon-copy and subject fields for mailto links. Go there.
I've also made a few cosmetic changes throughout the site.


+ Special Characters, Links, Tip of Day

More Tips of the Day (see front page) have been added; sorry they're not quite every day yet! These include how to show a vertical line, removing underlining from your links and using control characters as bullets. Talking of which, more characters and codes have been to the special characters section. The link to Selena Sol's forms site has also been updated (see Useful References).


+ Tricks n' Tips

Opening a new window from a link. A 'pop-up box' can be launched using JavaScript. You can define the window size in pixels and specify whether to show scrollbars, toolbar, etc. We show you how.


+ Tip of the Day

Each day (almost) we'll come up with a new HTML or JavaScript tip to help you with your page authoring. The first two tips are: how we created the Tip of the Day pop up window and how to create a vertical line on your page.


+ Opening Page Redesign

Partial redesign of opening page to highlight updated features and to ease newcomers into using Jalfrezi. Also: my photo added to the Why? Who? What? section!


+ Browser Support For Tags

Further to popular demand, each tag and/or attribute entry will now show when it become official HTML (if applicable) and which of the popular browsers support it.

What's in the Pipeline

+ Cool Stuff


+ Tips n' Tricks

Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi
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